The bow is just as important to the player as the violin itself. Offering bows made of pernambuco and brazilwood, rest assured you will find a bow that suits your needs and playing style.

Pernambuco bow labelled ‘A.Giuliani’

Pernambuco bow labelled ‘A.Giuliani’


Our range

Instead of carrying countless number of bows with confusing and random serial numbers, we present:

Pernambuco - Labelled ‘A.Giuliani’, this is our top-of-the-line range made of pernambuco. Each bow comes with a one year warranty against warping. From €599.

1/4: €599
1/2: €699
3/4: €749
4/4: €799

Brazilwood - Labelled ‘A.G’, this range of bows is made of brazilwood instead of pernambuco. As with the pernambuco range, each bow comes with a one year warranty against warping. From €69.

1/16: €69
1/8: €79
1/4: €89
1/2: €99
3/4: €109
4/4: €119

Brazilwood bow labelled ‘A.G’

Brazilwood bow labelled ‘A.G’

All bows come with unbleached natural horse hair. White bow hair is often viewed is ‘cleaner’ and ‘better’ than yellowish hair, but this is a common misconception which has led to various bow makers using bleached or synthetic hair for their bows. Bleaching the horse hair makes it more brittle and more susceptible to breakage. Don’t take our word for it, try it yourself.

Try our Pernambuco bows for a month for FREE*. Return the bow after a month and just pay €69 for the rehair. Fill this form in and we will be in touch with you shortly!

  • Only available in England, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.